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New Deal dollar and the Obama dollar
By Henry C K
This report is the third in a series.
1: The
song stays the same
Part 2: A
dangerous balance
Much talk has been floating around
comparing United States President Barack Obama with president
Franklin D Roosevelt and the yet-to-be-fully-developed - or revealed
- Obama recovery plan with the New Deal. So far, the differences
between the two leaders in crisis are more visible than the
Obama's US$787 billion stimulus package is
viewed by many economists as too small for the task and too diffused
to tackle the immediate need of halting layoffs and promoting new job
creation. The $275 billion home mortgage refinancing
plan managed by newly installed Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner is
beset with complexity that few seem to fully understand or know how
to navigate.
The Obama 2010 budget, by trying to do too much
on long-term problems such as healthcare reform at a time of crisis,
is being hectored by Democrat congressional committee chairmen acting
like independent political war lords. The president's call for
sacrifice by all is answered by a Democrat-controlled Congress
tacking on 8,000 legislative special interest earmarks to his $400
billion supplemental spending bill.
The bank bailout started
by Republican Treasury secretary Henry Paulson is stalled in
paralysis with the Obama team, now led by Geithner, former head of
the New York Federal Reserve Bank, who had worked closely with
Paulson and is refusing to admit all-out nationalization while unable
to push through a "good bank - bad bank" arrangement to
handle toxic assets to free up bank lending, or simply letting zombie
banks, such as Citi, fail by market forces.
The Geithner
The Geithner plan for banks is designed to clear away
"toxic assets", mostly complex instruments of structured
finance (derivatives) that act as blood clogs in the vital veins of
US financial system when the credit markets froze up.
diffused nature of these instruments and associated counterparty
risks add up to an unprecedented state of high anxiety and
uncertainty in financial markets as no market participant can
reliably assign final values to these assets not only because they
may be worthless, but also because they imply unknown counterparty
liabilities of possibly consequential dimensions. Thus these assets
are toxic in the sense that they carry potential negative liabilities
beyond being worthless to threaten the financial survival of
institutions that hold them.
The banks and financial
institutions that own these assets are caught by market failure as
buyers cannot be found at any price. To continue to hold such assets
at marked-to-market values will generate huge losses that grow by the
day, eventually leading to insolvency as the availability of new
capital dries up, leaving such institutions unable to meet their
rising liabilities. Until banks can clear such toxic assets off their
books, they will not be in a position to take on more risks by make
new loans.
Geithner's plan involves government support of
capital and finance to induce private investors to take problem loans
and toxic assets off the balance sheets of banks.
The problem
with the Geithner plan has a double edge. If successful, private
investors may reap a windfall profit by exploiting taxpayer capital
and finance. But the plan may fail because the Treasury's $1 trillion
earmarked for the plan may not be enough to clean up the banks
balance sheets, at which point
the Treasury may have to go back to Congress for more money which
Congress may not be in the mood to grant
if the amount needed threatens the bankruptcy of the nation.
wasting his first 100 days
With more than half of the crucial
first 100 days in office spent, the Obama administration is having
difficulty continuing to project an image of confident determination
to turn the deepest global economic crisis of capitalism since the
Great Depression into a new era of progressive politics not only
domestically, but also a new world order of equity and justice.
Obama told the world during his presidential campaign that
his presidency will be one of consequence. In his inaugural address,
he proclaimed: "There are some who question the scale of our
ambitions - who suggest that our system cannot tolerate too many big
plans ... What the cynics fail to understand is that the ground has
shifted beneath them ... The question we ask today is not whether our
government is too big or too small but whether it works."
Emanuel, Obama's chief of staff, famously said that a crisis is a
terrible thing to waste. A corollary is that government intervention
is an even more terrible thing to waste, which is something that the
Obama team has yet to realize.
Obama has the rare opportunity
to reverse the Reagan revolution of smearing government as always
being the problem, never the solution. There is now a growing general
consensus that the abdication of government responsibility to
regulate free-market fundamentalism has been the root cause of the
current global economic crisis, and that the free-market solution
adopted by Paulson during the George W Bush administration in
response to failed markets has been in itself a failure.
through his first 100 days, sensitive to criticism of his "tell
it like it is" warnings about the seriousness of the economic
crisis, Obama shifted his rhetoric to sound like his campaign
opponent, John McCain claiming that the economy is fundamentally
sound, a line that sank the Herbert Hoover presidency in the 1932
presidential election.
Very few people beside the diehard
cheerleaders of free-market fundamentalism at CNBC, can now honestly
conclude from either economic data or personal experience that the
economy is fundamentally sound. By yielding to criticism that his
rhetoric was talking down the market, Obama is in danger of letting a
serious global crisis go to waste. An economy that is fundamentally
sound needs no fundamental structural reform, only an emergency
treatment before returning to business as usual.
Obama needs
to understand that the market is not the economy. The market
operating through a price system is only a partial mirror of the
economy. The task at hand is to save an economy severely impaired by
stagnation. Restoring with future tax revenue the price bubble of
financial markets that had been detached from the real economy is to
mask the symptom while ignoring the disease. Such an approach robs
the market's ability to self-correct imbalances and distortions
caused by a dysfunctional monetary policy and government abdication
of responsible regulation.
Larry Summers, Obama's top
economic advisor, is known as a strong defender of free markets. In a
predictable Faustian declaration, Summers explains: "The view
that the market economy is inherently self-stabilizing, always, has
been dealt a fatal blow ... This notion that the economy is
self-stabilizing is usually right, but it is wrong a few times a
century and this is one of those times."
The central
ideological consequence of this fatal market failure, Summers says,
is that there "is a need for extraordinary public action at
those times ... The debate over whether you can love your country and
hate your government has been settled with a negative answer."
Love of country is now congruent with love of government, albeit
smart government, which to Reaganites is an oxymoron.
new progressivism
Obama's new progressivism is based on the
rehabilitation of government intervention in a failed market economy,
even as his top economist only accepts the progressive battle cry as
a temporary necessity. Even Obama himself has to clarify publicly
that he realizes that Americans do not envy or resent the rich
because even the American dream allows the poor to emulate the rich.
But he stops short of proposing an income policy even when it is
obvious that income disparity creates destabilizing imbalance between
supply and demand. The failure of government intervention from
misuse, such as intervention to help wayward financial institutions
rather than victimized individuals, can turn the US into a failed
state and the economy into a failed market.
Rather than a
national income policy to raise income for all, Obama chooses an
income redistribution path through raising taxes on the rich and
cutting taxes on the poor and the middle class, whose members are
really the working poor because of a decade of wage stagnation.
income policy will relieve the working poor by guaranteeing every
worker a good living wage to be an effective consumer without
unsustainable debt.
After all, it is a very American idea, which was first put into
practice successfully by Henry Ford. Thus far, the reality is that
the American dream has turned into a nightmare in which the poor
emulate the rich by spending beyond their meager means and taking on
unsustainable debt, not by spending rising income. Effective income
parity does not aim at lowering the income of the rich, it aims at
raising the income of the poor.
While Summers is continuing
Paulson's aim of saving free-market capitalism with temporary
transitional state capitalism, Obama's rhetoric until recently had
been couched in a far-reaching progressive agenda of reversing
widening income disparity and unsustainable wage/price imbalances
that have left the world with overcapacity caused by insufficient
demand, which had to be masked by excessive debt.
But Obama's
March 12 speech before the Conference Board, a group representing the
interests of big business, was disappointing in that it made our
progressive reformer sound like just another garden variety "trickle
down" market fundamentalist. Obama's strategy of first putting
out the raging financial fires before dealing with long-term
structural reform is fundamentally flawed because the arsonist
responsible for the raging fires is a decades-long denial of the
urgent need for fundamental structural reform. There is an
overwhelming prospect that if and when the raging fire is contained,
fundamental reform will give way to business-as-usual with a
celebration of the resilience of market fundamentalism. The prospect
of recurring crises every decade will continue.
initiatives blocked by centrists
Obama's three core
progressive initiatives - universal education, universal health care
and energy/environment transformation - if implemented without
watered-down compromise, will be steps to restore US society to its
true core values, not just a new, improve American dream that bears
little resemblance to harsh reality.
Unfortunately, the Obama
team is dominated by centrists who have now taken on the battle
standard of the failed alliance of neo-liberals in global economics
and neo-conservatives in global security. These centrists view their
leader's grand progressive agenda as merely a convenient temporary
antidote of emergency intensive care for a dysfunctional and unjust
economic system and a militant hegemonic foreign policy.
to Summers: "It is periodically the task of progressives to,
ironically, save the market system from its own excesses."
Centrists are reformers who believe that slavery can be eliminated
simply by paying below-living wages.
The call by Summers, in
his new post as chairman of the White House National Economic
Council, for international coordination of stimulus programs is being
rejected by his counterparts in the European Union. Disagreements
between the EU and the US over how to deal with the global recession
is widening as EU governments show little appetite for the US formula
of piling up more public debt to fight the collapse in output and
jobs caused by excess private debt. European social democrats are not
on the same wavelength with the pro-big-business, pro-market approach
of Paulson/Summers/Geithner, as three market fundamentalist
musketeers, supported by Fed chairman Ben Bernanke as the ever loyal
To the Europeans, shifting private debt to public
debt is not only self deception, especially under a destructive
regime of dollar hegemony, it is also particularly dangerous if all
sovereign debts are denominated in dollars that EU central banks
cannot print but have to earn through foreign trade.
stimulus packages are funded with future tax revenue. It is natural
that tax money is viewed by the paying public as funds that should be
spent within each country. Government bailout money to transnational
financial institutions is likely to be used globally. Every
government is now engaged in a race to maximize national multiplier
effects of its stimulus programs. Thus while all governments are
paying lip service to resist protectionism against movement of goods,
few have faced up to the new form of financial protectionism
practiced by transnational institutions.
The transfer of
funds from London to New York by Lehman Brothers during the early
hours of its bankruptcy
filing is an example of the
problem of financial nationalism. Scores of hedge funds that had
hundreds of millions of dollars in cash and other securities parked
with Lehman's prime brokerage operation in London have had their
accounts frozen and the funds transferred to New York, leaving the
United Kingdom with less money to settle the bankrupt firm's
A number of hedge funds filed formal objections
with the New York bankruptcy court and at least one fund, New
York-based Bay Harbor Management, filed a legal challenge to the
court's hastily approved sale of Lehman's brokerage arm to Barclays
A subsequent and even more troubling scenario arose
from legal disputes on the estimated $1 trillion in market value
exposure of derivatives transactions that Lehman had entered into on
behalf of itself and its customers. At least three lawsuits are known
to have been filed alleging that nearly $600 million in collateral
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Page 2 of 5
New Deal dollar and the Obama dollar
By Henry C K
This report is the third in a series.
1: The
song stays the same
Part 2: A
dangerous balance
some of Lehman's trading partners in
derivatives transactions had not been returned as required and had
disappeared from the UK as the bankruptcy process unfolded in New
The Bank of America (BoA) is seeking to recover nearly
$500 million the bank "posted as collateral to "support
derivative transactions between BofA and the respective Lehman
Entities,'' according to a lawsuit filed in New York State Supreme
Court that alleges the accounts at Lehman that held the collateral
were "frozen'' when the investment house filed
for bankruptcy on September 15,
2008. BoA contends that Lehman "wrongfully refused'' to return
the collateral in violation of its agreement as a trading
The dispute was expected to be the first of
many since it is not uncommon for derivative transactions to be part
of tangled web, in which trading counterparties are on the hook to
make payments to other trading counterparties with whom they have no
direct agreements. A derivative is a sophisticated contractual
agreement that is dependent on the performance of the notional value
of an underlying security, such as a bond, a stock
or a commodity.
The dispute between BoA and Lehman stemmed
from the fateful decision by Lehman officials in New York to transfer
$8 billion in cash from the firm's London offices on the eve of the
filing before funds were frozen
in London. The $8 billion cash and securities sweep left Lehman's
London offices with no money to pay employees or to provide cash to
funds that made use of the firm's
overseas prime brokerage operations.
The list of hedge funds
entangled in the Lehman bankruptcy kept growing by the day following
bankruptcy filling. Besides Bay Harbor, the list of hedge funds
caught in the great $8 billion cash transfer include GLG Partners,
Newport Global Opportunities Fund, Amber Capital and Harbinger
Capital Partners. Texas-based Newport Global, a nearly $700 million
fund with close ties to private equity giant Providence Equity
Partners, got squeezed when Lehman officials apparently failed to
comply with the funds' request to move all its assets to Credit
Newport, which
used Lehman as a prime
broker, notified Lehman on
September 10, 2008, five days before bankruptcy filling, to transfer
assets held by Lehman's London affiliate to Credit Suisse. Newport
executives had believed the transfer was completed and were shocked
to learn that the assets were never moved before Lehman filed for
bankruptcy. As a result, Newport's assets were frozen in the wake of
the $8 billion transfer. In court papers, Newport says "If these
assets are not located and recovered immediately, there is the very
real specter of serious and irreparable harm to not only the funds,
but also to their respective investors."
As the lender of last resort for distressed central
banks, International Monetary Fund (IMF) loans
are denominated in dollars. The US contributes only 18% in funding
but commands the deciding vote over the remaining 82% contribution by
all other member governments.
The present focus on the reform
of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is pinned on the hope that
the world's lender of last resort can contribute substantially to a
recovery in 2010 from the greatest economic crisis in a century. The
IMF, headquartered in Washington DC, is an international organization
created in July 1944 during the United Nations Monetary and Financial
Conference at Bretton Woods, New Hampshire. It is charged with the
responsibility of overseeing the global financial system by
monitoring those aspects of macro-economic policies of its 185 member
states that have an impact on exchange rates and balances of
payments. In theory, it has been designed as an organization to
stabilize international exchange rates and to facilitate the balance
of payments shortfalls of member states as an international lender of
last resort.
The performance of the IMF during the 1997 Asian
financial crisis has since been broadly and critically condemned as
having unnecessarily exacerbated the pain for and damage to the
affected economies, with its imposition of dilapidating
"conditonalities" on debtor nations, such as privatizing
industries and slashing government spending. (See Crippling
debt and bankrupt solutions, Asia Times Online, September 28,
2002). In 2008, faced with a shortfall in revenue itself, the IMF
executive board agreed to sell part of its gold reserves and to curb
operating expenses.
The IMF now hopes to at least double its
lendable resources from $50 billion to more than $500 billion so that
it is ready to help out and provide confidence that economies will
have access to funds during the crisis. Japan has provided $100
billion in extra money and the European Union has committed 75
billion euros (US$99 billion). Emerging economies such as the BRIC
nations, Brazil, Russia, India and China, are expected to provide the
bulk of the remaining funds.
IMF plans to sweeten a $100
billion lending program announced in October that failed to attract
any borrower. The new program of less-restrictive loans is designed
to boost the fund's impaired standing as an authority in containing
the global meltdown and to assuage member-nation concerns about
borrowing from a lender often seen as heavy-handed and intrusive in
internal national policies to protect transnational lenders. IMF loan
conditionality is being adjusted so that economic structural reforms
agreed with a country will be monitored in a broad context. The
change is also applicable to low-income countries.
successful, the new IMF program could help many distressed economies
weather the global economic downturn. If not, global recovery will be
delayed and the IMF will become less relevant.
reforms will be followed by further changes to country representation
at the fund, with emerging markets and low-income countries being
given a bigger voice. The April 2 G-20 summit in London is expected
to bring forward the process of reform of the quota systems that
determines country representation.
Together, the G-20
represents around 90% of global gross national product, 80% of world
trade (including trade within the European Union), as well as
two-thirds of the world's population. It comprises 19 countries:
Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India,
Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa,
South Korea, Turkey, the UK, and the United States, plus the European
Union, represented by the rotating European Council presidency, and
the European Central Bank. The managing director of the International
Monetary Fund and the president of the World Bank, plus the chairs of
the International Monetary and Financial Committee and Development
Committee of the IMF and World
Bank, also participate.
major stimulus packages announced by advanced economies and several
emerging markets, trade volumes have shrunk rapidly, while production
and employment data suggest that global activity continues to
contract in the first quarter of 2009.
Global activity is now
projected to contract by 0.5 to 1% in 2009 on an annual average basis
- the first such fall in 60 years. Global growth is still forecast by
the IMF to stage a modest recovery next year, conditional on
comprehensive policy steps to stabilize financial conditions,
sizeable fiscal support, a gradual improvement in credit conditions,
a bottoming of the US housing market, and the cushioning effect from
sharply lower oil and other major commodity prices. Such
institutional optimism is not shared broadly.
Obama has no
plans for monetary reform
Most importantly, in the US, the
world's largest economy, Obama has yet to put forward any plans for
monetary reform, let alone a new international finance architecture,
while FDR's monetary reform was the centerpiece of the New Deal,
albeit it was a distant echo of 19th century agrarian insurgency
against the gold standard.
Since the 1997 Asian financial
crisis, there have been vague talks in the Federal Reserve and the US
Treasury about the need for reform of the existing international
finance architecture that is generally accepted as a fundamental
cause of the current and previous financial crises, but the official
Obama strategy appears to be that the teetering banking system must
be stabilized before any fundamental monetary reform can be
entertained. The question is left begging whether the critically
impaired global banking system can be stabilized without fundamental
reform of the international financial architecture which had been the
cause the crisis to begin with.
Roosevelt's Executive Order
6102 proclaimed on January 31, 1934, a $35-per-fine-troy-ounce dollar
parity to replace the traditional gold standard parity of $20.67 per
fine ounce (1,504.63 fine milligrams, with 25.8 grains 0.9 fine). To
sustain the devaluation of the dollar, FDR suspended the rights of US
citizens to own gold, requiring all to turn in their gold holdings to
the government for payment at $20.67 per ounce. Individuals were
permitted to hold up to $100 in gold coins.
Executive Order
6120, deriving its authority from the 1917 Trading with the Enemy
Act, which gave the president the power to forbid people from
"hoarding gold" during a time of war, also forbade all
private contracts to be denominated in gold. Though the US was not at
war in 1934, FDR claimed that the economic crisis was creating
emergency conditions equivalent to war.
Normally, Executive
Order 6120 would have been opposed by an outraged freedom-loving
American public as the constitution stipulates that the executive
branch is vested only with the authority to execute laws and policies
enacted by the people's representatives in Congress. Even the
Progressives had never dared move so far as to allow the executive
branch to make laws unconstitutionally and to impose such
unconstitutional laws on the people without their consent.
by 1933, the US judiciary branch had upheld government restrictions
on freedom of speech and other civil liberties during World War I and
Congress had surrendered many lawmaking powers to the executive
branch, a trend that has continued today to the extend that the
president can now routinely launch limited foreign wars without
having first asked Congress to declare war. Historians refer to this
development as a move toward an imperial presidency.
Americans by 1934 had been put in a situation of viewing economic and
political freedom as having been captured by the moneyed interests at
the expense of the common people for whom freedom had come to mean
only freedom to be unemployed and left starving. The people were
willing to give the president whatever he wanted to save them from
oppression by the moneyed class and to restructure market capitalism
as a more fair and equitable system.
The US gold-based
monetary system at the time of the Great Depression would not permit
the debasement of money caused by increases in the money supply as a
convenient solution to price deflation which could cause and did
cause widespread destruction of wealth and massive unemployment.
market participants sensed that too many dollars were being issued by
central bank quantitative easing or by Treasury borrowing beyond
anticipated revenue, they could protect their wealth by redeeming
dollars for gold from the government as a legal right and at a rate
committed to by government, draining the government's gold holdings
below the accepted gold standard level of a 40% gold backing for the
money supply.
More money supply required more government
holdings of gold to maintain the gold parity. New Deal principles of
temporary deficit financing would be hampered by the rules of the
gold standard because the government gold holdings could not be
increased easily and certainly not by money devaluation, as more
money would be required to buy new gold as money is devalued.
Section 9 of Executive Order 6120 stipulated that anyone who
refused to comply could be fined up to $10,000 ($1,533,653 in 2007
money) or be sentenced to a maximum of 10 years in prison, or both.
Foreign governments still could trade in their US dollars for gold,
but only at $35 an ounce instead of the gold standard rate of $20.67
per ounce. Since international trade at the time did not generate
large foreign holdings of dollars, and the dollar was not the prime
reserve currency and other currencies were also backed by gold at
various rates, the impact while not insubstantial was still limited.
The Gold Standard Act had been enacted in 1900 for the US
under President William McKinley. He had defeated William Jennings
Bryan, the brilliant populist orator, a backer of free silver, who
had stampeded the Democratic convention with one of the most famous
speeches in US political history:
There are two ideas of government. There are those who believe if you just legislate to make the well-to-do prosperous, their prosperity will leak through on those below. The Democratic idea has been that if you legislate to make the masses prosperous, their prosperity will find its way up and through every class that rest upon it ... Having behind us the producing masses of this nation, and the world, supported by the commercial interests, the laboring interests and the toilers everywhere, we will answer their demand for a gold standard by saying to them: You shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns, you shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold.
For the first time since 1860, the 1900 election turned on a clear issue of major importance between the two political parties. The question of free silver had become symbolic of the conflict between capitalism and agrarianism, between the Hamiltonian concept of a nation dominated by big corporations and the wealthy elite who controlled them, and on the other side, the
Page 3 of 5
New Deal dollar and the Obama dollar
By Henry C K
This report is the third in a series.
1: The
song stays the same
Part 2: A
dangerous balance
Jeffersonian ideal of economic democracy
behind populist agrarianism.
McKinley's victory was a
definitive triumph of the Hamiltonian model, as Henry Adam observed:
"The majority at last declared itself, once and for all, in
favor of a capitalistic system with all its necessary machinery."
One of the necessary machinery is the integration of business and
government. In recent decades, titans of investment
banking and industry had been
running the US Treasury under both Democratic and Republican
administrations. Larry Summers was the first academic economist to
run the Treasury and Geithner is the first technocrat to do so. Both
are strong supporters of neo-liberalism. No labor leader has ever run
the US Treasury.
Labor, on whose back wealth is created, has
never commanded control over monetary policy in the history of the
US, despite that fact central banking was adopted by Congress to
maintain the value of money with the accompanying objective of
promoting full employment.
Since 1913, when the Federal
Reserve was established, US labor has been at the dictatorial mercy
of capital. Wealth, instead of being created and enjoyed by
independent labor, has been separated from its creator to become
capital, the requisite master for creating jobs in an economic system
of contract labor. In the current financial crisis in free market
capitalism, protesters against taxation on capital gain argue against
"punishing" capital, without which jobs allegedly cannot be
created. Such protests are in essence calls for punishing labor to
keep unruly capital from self inflicted losses.
By February
1933, a little over two years after the market crash of October 1929,
depositors were still withdrawing money from banks in such panic
quantities that state governments had to intervene to arrest
widespread bank failure. Michigan declared a bank holiday on February
14, 1933 and by the time FDR took office on March 4 all states had
taken similar actions to create a national bank holiday.
new president immediately took control of the entire national banking
system. Congress passed the enabling Gold Reserve Act of 1934 on
January 30, and FDR issued his devaluation proclamation on January
31, in less than 24 hours. FDR forbade US citizens to buy or own gold
and devalued the dollar 60% by making gold valued at $35 an ounce, up
from $20.67 an ounce established by the gold standard, and kept
interest rates at historical low levels. Still, US export trade did
not rise with dollar devaluation against gold, nor employment in the
domestic private sector picked up. Most of the drop in unemployment
was absorbed by the expanded public sector. The US economy did not
revive until the US entered World War II with the US adopting
national planning for war production. (See National
planning and the American myth, Asia Times Online, June 13,
Britain's gold standard
Winston Churchill,
as chancellor of the Exchequer in the Conservative government,
returned Britain, a fading superpower after World War I, to the gold
standard in 1925, again devaluing silver against gold, although a
higher gold price and significant inflation had followed the wartime
suspension of the gold standard. Under the gold standard, the US
fixed the price of gold at $20.67 per ounce from 1834 until 1933;
Britain fixed the price at 3 pounds 17 shillings and 10.5 pence per
ounce until World War I, and restored it in 1925. The exchange rate
between dollars and pounds - the "par exchange rate" -
necessarily came to $4.867 per pound sterling during these periods.
speculation did not and could not exist.
Churchill followed
tradition by resuming conversion payments at the pre-war gold price.
For five years prior to 1925, the gold price in pound sterling was
managed downward to the pre-war level, causing deflation throughout
those countries of the British Empire and Commonwealth using the
pound sterling. But the rise in demand for gold for conversion
payments that followed the similar European resumptions of the gold
standard from 1925 to 1928 meant a further rise in demand for gold
relative to goods and therefore the need for a lower price of goods
because of the fixed rate of conversion from money to goods.
Because of price deflation caused by the gold standard and
the predictable depression effects, the British government finally
abandoned the gold standard on September 20, 1931. Sweden abandoned
the gold standard in October 1931, and other European nations soon
followed. Even the US government, which at the time possessed most of
the world's gold, moved to cushion the effects of the Great
Depression by raising the official price of gold (to $35 per ounce
from $20.67) and thereby substantially raising the equilibrium price
level in 1933-4.
The FDR Gold Parity Dollar
deflation in the years of the Great Depression disconnected the
Roosevelt gold-based dollar held by foreigners with the de facto
domestic fiat dollar of January 1934. The Consumer Price Index for
January 1934 was 132 with July 1914 set as 100, making the January
1934 dollar worth 75.75 cents of gold standard dollar of 1914.
this reason, the domestic dollar of January 1934 was endowed with 132
cents (100/75.75 = 1.32) in 1914 gold standard dollar at $20.67 per
ounce. In terms of the Roosevelt dollar with its gold parity of $35
an ounce, it was endowed with 223.5 cents. But up to 1934, before
Roosevelt devalued the dollar, it was convertible through central
banks at $20.67 per ounce of gold to yield 100 cents. Foreigners
could buy US goods and assets with 100 cents that would cost US
citizens 223.5 cents. This explained why investment in the US from
gold standard economies grew during 1914 and 1934 until the Great
Depression finally set in after the market crash of 1929.
Roosevelt dollar became a two-tier currency whose purchasing power at
home did not match its set gold parity abroad at $35 per ounce. At
home, it was a de facto fiat monetary unit, not convertible to gold;
and abroad, it was convertible to gold at a devalued $35 per ounce.
When this "international gold bullion standard" was
set up on January 31, 1934, a gold standard without redemption of
currency in gold coin, the Roosevelt dollar was worth 132 cents at
$20.67 per ounce of gold abroad and 223.5 cents at home in terms of
its own gold parity of $35 per ounce. At home, the dollar was loosing
purchasing power steadily, while abroad it stayed constant against
gold. On Christmas Day 1942, because of wartime price control, the
fiat dollar, descending from 223.5 cents level of January 1934,
finally met its foreign twin when it reached 132 cents level. But the
reunion was to last three months only, after which US prices began to
rise even under price control.
The two-tier Roosevelt dollar,
while fixed in value against gold abroad, continue to lose purchasing
power at home. On July 22, 1944, when the Bretton Woods agreements
were signed, the dollar was worth only 95 cents at home as registered
by the Consumer Price Index (CPI), while abroad the same dollar was
still worth 100 cents against $35 gold. On August 4, 1945, president
Harry Truman signed into law the Bretton Woods regime, approved by US
Congress as a simple bill that required only a majority, not a treaty
that would require a two-thirds majority in the Senate. The next day,
Truman authorized dropping the atomic bomb on Hiroshima. CPI for
August 1945 put the dollar as worth only 93 cents at home while
abroad it was still worth 100 cents.
By August 1947, when the
International Monetary Fund (IMF) born of the Bretton Woods regime
became fully operational and member countries pegged their currencies
within 1% of their official par values to the 100-cent dollar,
convertible to gold at $35 per ounce, the dollar was worth only 75
cents at home after war-time price control was lifted. Under the
Bretton Woods agreements, the currencies of the IMF member countries
were to be defined pro forma in weight of gold, and those "gold
parities" were to be translated into par values against the US
dollar, whose gold parity at $35 per fine troy ounce was 888.67
milligrams (or 15 and 5/21 grains 0.9 fine). The currencies of the
IMF member countries became convertible to dollars at "fixed but
adjustable par values", while only dollars were made officially
convertible to gold, but not to individual US citizens, only to
foreign central banks.
The Bretton Woods regime became a
rigged system of exchange in which 75-cent fiat dollars could be
cashed for 100-cent gold-convertible dollars. As the dollar was the
sole reserve currency for international trade under the Bretton Woods
monetary regime, the US enjoyed a 25% premium in all world trade. The
same US goods commanded a higher price against gold overseas than at
As the US after World War II was the only exporting
nation to war-torn countries around the world, what cost 75 cents in
fiat dollars in the US would sell for 100 cents in gold at $35 per
ounce. While this greatly enhanced profitability of US exporting
corporations, it also discouraged US companies from bringing their
overseas dollars home where the dollar would be worth less because US
citizens could not convert dollars into gold. This created what later
came to be known as euro-dollars, dollars that stayed permanently
overseas to preserve a higher exchange value.
During the
1960s, as US commitments abroad drew gold reserves from the Federal
Reserve, confidence in the dollar weakened, leading some
dollar-holding countries and speculators to seek exchange of their
dollars for gold. A severe drain on US gold reserves developed and,
in order to correct the situation, the so-called two-tier system was
created in 1968. In the official monetary tier, consisting of central
bank gold traders, the value of gold was kept at $35 an ounce, and
gold payments to non-central bankers were prohibited. In the
free-market tier, consisting of all nongovernmental gold traders,
gold was completely demonetized, with its price set by supply and
demand. In 1971, president Richard Nixon abandoned the Bretton Woods
regime and disconnected the dollar from gold altogether as he
restored the right of US citizens to own gold.
thought erroneously they were getting rich by holding US dollars but
in effect their economies were slipping into the control of the US
because whoever controls the currency of an economy also controls the
economy, as Gresham's Law states: "Bad money drives out the
good." When wealth is denominated in fiat dollars, the US
essentially owns that wealth; foreign holders of that wealth are
merely acting as temporary agents of the US. (See History
of monetary imperialism, Asia Times Online, September 26, 2008.)
Obama and China's yuan
On the second day of the new
Obama administration, Geithner, Obama's choice for Treasury
secretary, in his Senate confirmation hearing supported by written
testimony, accused China of "manipulating" its currency and
pledged "aggressive" diplomatic action to drive Beijing
into action if confirmed as Treasury secretary. The comment, a
politically loaded term calculated to raise tensions with China,
appeared to be a direct appeasement to Democratic Senator Schumer,
whose pet issue has been for "tough approach to force China to
stop currency manipulation or risk being sapped with large (20%)
tariffs on its exports."
It is a "lets get China to
force her to stop beating her grandmother" issue, as most trade
economists, including Summers, consider the exchange rate issue as an
ignoratio elenchi (irrelevant conclusion), the informal
fallacy of presenting an argument that may in itself be valid, but
does not address the issue in question.
Geithner's testimony
marked the Obama administration's first public pronouncement in what
will be one of its most critical international economic
relationships. It is an indication of the gap between US foreign
policy and domestic domestics. It is also an indication of Obama's
less-than-forceful leadership. Geithner claimed he was merely
repeating Obama's views, with which he was no doubt very familiar.
The connection between Obama and Geithner goes back a long way, to an
earlier generation. During the early 1980s, Geithner's father, Peter,
oversaw the Ford Foundation's microfinance programs in Indonesia
being developed by Ann Dunham-Soetoro, Obama's mother.
In a
written response to questions from concerned senators, Geithner,
whose nomination was supported by a clear majority of the Senate's
finance committee despite minor personal income tax
problems, said: "President
Obama - backed by the conclusions of a broad range of economists -
believes that China is manipulating its currency." Obama would
"use aggressively all the diplomatic avenues open to him to seek
change in China's currency practices", Geithner added. Thus the
position was not just to buy confirmation votes.
The price of
long-term US Treasury bonds
fell after Geithner's remarks, with some traders concerned that
Beijing might ease up its purchase of US debts
and assets. China is the largest foreign holder of US Treasuries.
More than $3 trillion of the $5.5 trillion US Treasury market is held
by foreign investors, with China being the biggest, holding $727.4
billion in December 2008, with Japan in second place with $626
billion. China reportedly holds $1.5 trillion in dollar-denominated
assets out of nearly $2 trillion in foreign exchange reserves. Beside
Treasuries, China at the end of 1008 held $600 billion in agencies
debt (Fanny Mae), 150 billion in corporate
bonds, $80 billion in bank
deposits and $40 billion in
The spectacular growth in China's foreign currency
reserves appears to be moderating as the inflow of speculative "hot
money" started to reverse flow out of the Chinese economy in the
fourth quarter of 2008. China's foreign reserves rose by $40.4
billion in the fourth quarter of 2008 to $1.946 trillion, well below
the total trade surplus and foreign direct
investment over same
period a year earlier, indicating a substantial outflow of short-term
While China continues to register trade surpluses
from a sharper fall in imports even as export falls, and with her
foreign reserves still expected to rise above $2 trillion in 2009,
the period of
Page 4 of 5
New Deal dollar and the Obama dollar
By Henry C K
This report is the third in a series.
1: The
song stays the same
Part 2: A
dangerous balance
explosive export growth is expected to
end and growth of foreign reserves is expected to moderate. Some
analysts are suggesting that China's liquidity cycle may be ending
after a six-year boom as current policy continues. This projection
can be rendered inaccurate substantially by impending and further
government stimulus measures to deal with the impact of the global
financial crisis on the Chinese economy.
Obama flirting
with bankruptcy for the US
The Obama administration will face
a budget deficit of over $3 trillion in 2009 and a still higher
deficit in 2010 and beyond as it tries to re-monetize up to $2.5
trillion of practically worthless toxic assets with yet-to-collect
taxpayer money. Globally, the dollar-denominated financial system has
seen its equity market capitalization value fall by between 40-60% by
February 2009. The Dow Jones Global Total Index of all publicly trade
companies, a comprehensive benchmark series designed to measure the
performance of global equity markets with readily available prices
covering 65 countries and nearly 13,000 securities, peaked at
4,480.66 on October 11, 2007. Since then, it has fallen more than
half to 2,206.14 by January 20, 2009.
On October 31, 2007,
the total market value of publicly traded companies around the world
was $62.6 trillion. By December 31, 2008, the value had dropped
nearly half to $31.7 trillion. The gap of lost wealth, $30.9
trillion, is approximately the combined annual gross domestic product
of the US, Western Europe and Japan. Asian shares lost around $9.6
trillion in 2008, according to the Asian Development Bank.
financial structure of most assets normally carries a debt
to equity ratio of between a conservative 3:1 and an aggressive 10:1.
With a fall in market value of over 50%, even conservatively
leveraged assets are now substantially underwater, meaning they have
substantial negative equity. Family net worth hit a record high of
$64.36 trillion in the second quarter of 2007. By the fourth quarter
of 2008, it had fallen to $51.48 trillion, a loss of $12.88 trillion.
To restore the wealth lost in the current financial crisis,
the Treasury would have to monetize some $30 trillion of toxic
assets, almost 10 times what the Geithner Treasury is currently
contemplating, and twice the size of current US annual GDP. Add to
that about $10 trillion of value lost in the collapse of commodity
prices and another $10 trillion in real property values, and we have
a wealth loss of $50 trillion.
According to the Bank of
International Settlements, the total outstanding notional value of
derivatives as of June 2008 was $684 trillion. Each percentage point
loss can cost $6.8 trillion to investors. No one knows what the final
loss will be in derivatives when fully unwounded.
stimulus package will not create jobs
The Federal Reserve can
absorb some of the loss to keep mark-to-market value of these
instruments from falling further. But that would require such massive
injection of new money that the time when prices stop falling will be
the time hyperinflation starts. Thus, either way, deflation from
market losses continues, first from falling prices and then inflation
taking over from falling value of money. This is why the Obama
stimulus package will not create jobs at any substantial scale,
because all the good money is essentially going to monetize bad
assets, with little financial energy left to have significant job
creation impact.
Global assets under management (AuM) have
shrunk 8% from 2007 to 2008, from $110 trillion to $100 trillion. The
reason global AuM shrank only by $10 trillion while the equity
markets fell 50% losing $30.9 trillion was because much AuM was
invested in US Treasuries and other top-rated fixed-income
instruments in a flight to safety. Equity funds AuM have fallen from
$6 trillion to $3 trillion. Investment
managed by hedge funds has fallen by over 50% from $2 trillion to $1
trillion. China, as the largest foreign holder of US Treasuries, will
impact US financial market materially if Chinese policymakers have to
reduce China's foreign reserves due to rising outflows of foreign
capital, or as countermeasures against ill-advised US trade
China's dollar holdings
In the first
half of 2008, Chinese foreign reserves rose by $280.6 billion,
largely due to capital inflow on expectation the yuan would continue
to appreciate by policy pressure from Washington. However, those
flows began to reverse in the fourth quarter at a time when the
offshore currency market was signaling pending yuan depreciation.
Calculating how much money left China using the reserves data
is complicated because of exchange value movements in the currencies
in which China is invested and changes in reserve requirements for
Chinese commercial
banks, some of which are held in
foreign currencies. Nevertheless, in the fourth quarter of 2008,
China saw capital outflows of $45 billion to $70 billion a month on
Slower or negative growth in foreign reserves will
mean China will have less funds to buy new dollar assets in 2009 but
that does not necessarily mean weaker demand for US Treasuries.
Capital outflows from China are likely to go into US Treasuries,
given the risk-averse mood in capital markets. A short circuit of
dollar funds released by the Treasury and the Federal Reserve may be
created by US recipients of government funds investing
in US Treasuries to de-leverage, leaving the US in a perpetual
liquidity trap.
Near-zero return on US sovereign debt will
force market participants, including China, to seek alternative
investments in their own domestic
markets, particularly if monetarily-induced inflation is no longer a
serious problem in most non-dollar economies with heavy export
reliance because of deflationary pressure from the global financial
China's demand for Treasuries was augmented in
early 2008 by the Chinese sale of US government sponsored enterprise
(GSE) debt (such Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac) before the issuing
entities were nationalized. Heavy hot money outflow created sell-offs
in the Chinese equity and real estate markets, but it also provided
opportunities for China to expand Chinese money supply to stimulate
the Chinese economy without causing inflation. The net effect was a
replacement of foreign capital by domestic capital.
Chinese stimulus package will also accelerate China's strategy to
upgrade its economy, increasing investment in physical and social
infrastructure and welfare benefits. Market forces are likely to
reverse direction to depreciate the Chinese currency, making
Washington's pressure on China to further appreciate the Chinese
currency through government intervention an anti-market demand.
Geithner, as nominee for Treasury secretary, in his Senate
confirmation hearing stopped short of pledging that the US Treasury
under his direction would formally name China as a currency
manipulator in its annual currency report, due in the spring of 2009.
"The question is how and when to broach the subject in order to
do more good than harm," he hedged.
To disprove the
validity of the accusation that China is manipulating the exchange
rate of its currency, all China has to do is to release records
showing that its government did not intervene directly, albeit the
effective exchange rate of the yuan for Chinese exporters is
periodically affected by government non-monetary measures. But the US
is not really interested in proving its accusation of China as a
currency manipulator. It only wants appease the US manufacturing
sector and the labor unions by empty posturing while pressuring China
to cooperate in other areas of economic relations under threats of
protectionist backlash.
The currency issue dates back decades
in US-China relations. By Reagan's second term, which began on
January 20, 1985, it became undeniable that US policy of a strong
dollar, while it benefited the US economy as a whole, was doing much
damage to the manufacturing sector of the US economy. It was also
threatening the Republicans with the loss of political support from
key industrial states in permanent recession, not to mention the
labor unions, which the Republican Party was trying to woo with a
theme of Cold War anti-communist patriotism as elite east-coast
liberal Republicanism gave way to macho redneck Republicanism of the
southwest. The exchange value of the dollar then became a red herring
in US geopolitical discourse to divert attention from cross-border
wage disparity, the true cause of the trade imbalance.
The US
has long claimed that China was artificially depressing the value of
its currency to a falling dollar to boost exports to the detriment of
US business. Since such claims are factually and theoretically of no
merit, both the Bill Clinton and George W Bush administrations always
stopped short of formally declaring China a currency manipulator -
the economic facts showed that the US economy was benefiting as a
whole more than it was losing in its manufacturing sector. More over,
the US was in denial of the fact that it was the dollar that was
falling as a result of US policy, therefore the yuan being pegged to
the dollar was robbing the dollar of any benefit of depreciation.
Hank Paulson, Geithner's predecessor, to appease US domestic
special interests, repeatedly criticized Beijing for holding down its
currency but resisted pressure from anti-China hawks in Congress to
formally name China as a manipulator because he knew the US was the
real currency manipulator - but the manipulation was neutralized by
the yuan-dollar peg. Existing US legislation requires only that the
administration starts negotiations with any country designated as
having manipulated its currency, so the Strategic Economic Dialogue
between the US and China was the convenient solution.
appease US demand, China abandoned a fixed yuan-dollar peg in 2005
for a managed float against a basket of currencies within a band and
at a crawl rate (BBC). Since then the yuan has appreciated by about
20% against the dollar. When the yuan was pegged to the dollar, it
lost value relative to other currencies when the dollar fell, as it
did between February 2002 and 2005. Thus the US was the main
manipulator of the Chinese currency during that time, with the
China's currency acting only as a derivative of the real manipulator.
In November, 2008, in response to adverse impacts on the
Chinese export sector from the global financial crisis, the Chinese
authorities let the currency depreciate modestly by market forces,
prompting speculation about a shift in foreign exchange policy. Since
then, the yuan has traded in a narrow band against the dollar,
leading some economists to argue that a de facto peg has been
Between 2005 and 2008, despite the gradual
appreciation in the yuan, China continued to record large current
account surpluses with the US, leading many economists to conclude
that the trade imbalance between the US and China was not caused
primarily by exchange rates. (See The
US as leading currency manipulator, Asia Times Online, February
15, 2007).
Geithner's confirmation hearing testimony
solicited an immediate response in China. In an article published in
the Chinese media, Zhang Jianhua, head of the research bureau of the
People's Bank of China, the central bank, said that "wrong
economic policies and improper market monitoring [in the US] are the
primary reasons for the current financial crisis". He added:
"Any attempts to shift the responsibility to other countries
reflect an inability to develop the right attitude for seeking
The Geithner statement at his confirmation
came in response to written questions from Democratic Senator (New
York) Charles Schumer who once co-wrote a bill to impose punitive
tariffs on China if it did not revalue its currency; and Democratic
Senator Debbie Stabenow (Michigan) who wrote a similar bill
co-sponsored by then Democratic senator Obama (Illinois). The
statement appeared calculated to send a number of messages at once:
to fulfill campaign promises to US labor and to anti-China trade
hawks in Congress, warning Beijing not to devalue its currency even
as its export sector was collapsing from the global financial crisis
and highlighting the need for an eventual process of global economic
rebalancing. The statement also set the stage for tough talks with
Beijing, and puts pressure on the IMF, which had been expected to shy
away from any formal finding that Chinese policy was in breach of its
international commitments.
Geithner's confirmation statement,
if translated into policy, could increase trade tensions at a time of
global recession and fast-rising unemployment in both countries.
However, the White House can be expected to pre-empt binding
legislation by convincing US legislators that the Treasury secretary
shares their concerns but he intends to find solution to the problem
through negotiation with his Chinese counterpart.
At any
rate, there is mounting consensus that China needs to reorient its
economic policy to reduce over-reliance on foreign trade and to
develop its own domestic market. With China's policy shift, US trade
sanctions on whatever pretext would have less effect on China,
particularly if trade is being reduced by the reality of economic
downturn in the US anyway. Even before the current crisis, growth of
US-China trade has been slowing as China shifts it trade to markets
in other regions.
Most economists agree that exchange-rate
policy cannot substitute for structural economic adjustments
necessary for mutually beneficial trade between two economies. Nor
can exchange-rate policy be a substitute for sound domestic monetary
or economic policies. When two economies are at uneven stages of
development trade, a trade surplus in favor of the less-developed
economy is natural and just, until the less-developed economy catches
up with the more-developed one. Otherwise it would be imperialistic
exploitation, not trade.
In a conference on China's exchange
rate policy at the Petersen Institute in Washington DC held on
October 19, 2007, three months after the global credit crunch broke
out, attended by Wu Xiaoling, deputy governor of the People's Bank of
China and by
Page 5
of 5
New Deal dollar and the Obama dollar
By Henry C K
This report is the third in a series.
1: The
song stays the same
Part 2: A
dangerous balance
Summers, the former Clinton-era Treasury
secretary Summers concluded that the real concern should be with
China's large global surplus rather than with the negligible effect
of the yuan on US workers. It would be better to follow a
multilateral, rather than a bilateral US-led, approach with China to
correcting global payments imbalances. Summers did not see the yuan
as the primary source of US current account deficit. Any attempt
to blame the yuan exchange rate for the concerns of US middle-class
workers is based on flawed economic judgment.
position on the falling dollar
In an article in the October
28, 2007 edition of the Financial Times entitled (How to Handle the
Falling Dollar), Summers wrote:
The vast majority of the US current account deficit is now being funded by central banks accumulating reserves as they seek to avoid appreciation of their home currencies. While the US dollar is usually viewed as a floating rate currency, substantial and critical parts of the world economy operate with currencies pegged to dollar parities or at least managed with them in mind.
This suggests the need for rethinking traditional approaches to dollar policy at a time when the global economy is more vulnerable than it has been since 1998.
The Clinton administration approach of asserting the desirability of a strong dollar based on strong fundamentals while allowing its value to be set on foreign exchange markets was highly successful in its time and has largely been followed by the Bush Treasury. But it is insufficient in the current world, where the dollar's trade-weighted exchange rate is to an important extent managed abroad. Some means of engagement must be found with those who have yoked their currencies and so their financial policies to that of the US.
The US has responded in an ad hoc way by carrying on a "strategic dialogue" with China, by far the largest economy with an exchange rate linked to the dollar, backed by congressional threats to address exchange rate issues using the tools of trade policy and references to communiques from the Group of Seven leading industrial nations. In reality, the dialogue is anything but strategic. Like so much of American international policy in recent years, it seems to confuse the firm statement of legitimate desire with the serious conduct of diplomacy.
Think of the questions Chinese policymakers must ask themselves. What is the highest US priority - global financial stability or market access for well-connected US firms? Can the US take yes for an answer or is it a certainty that a new president will insist in 18 months on a new set of economic diplomacy accomplishments with China? In which areas, if any, is the US prepared to adjust its policies in response to global interests? Given that the Chinese authorities have presided over nearly double-digit annual growth for a generation, do US officials who make assertions about what is in China's interest have the experience and knowledge of China that should cause their views to be taken seriously? Why is China being singled out? How could China - even if it wished to - act in ways that the US prefers without appearing to yield to international pressure?
Maintaining global financial stability and the role of the dollar requires a more strategic approach - a task that, given the political calendar, is likely to fall to the next US administration.
Unfortunately, the Obama administration so far in its early weeks has
yet to show any sign of a new strategic approach. All the
pronouncements from the Obama team have the tone of emergency
firefighting, only after which would the restructuring of the economy
begin. But so far no one has any detail idea of what the Obama team
will do and how it plans to accomplish its ambitious agenda.
Obama's call for bipartisan cooperation was answered by a
house divided even within his own party. Even the vetting for
nominations for key cabinet positions faced repeated setbacks,
indicating that the Obama White House is up against a steep learning
curve in a crisis situation that cannot afford long learning periods.
Obama's foreign policy machinery has yet to start its strategic
engine while the administration, consumed by having to deal with its
own economic house on fire, is merely rushing to quench hot spots in
Afghanistan, Pakistan, the Middle East, Iran, and to explain confused
signals on China.
US foreign policy floundering
is not surprising that US foreign policy is floundering. The
country's geopolitical leadership is based primarily on US economic
prowess that translates into military power. As the US model of
neo-liberal market fundamentalism faces imminent collapse from its
own internal contradiction and abuses, Washington appears to be
deprived of the advice of Teddy Roosevelt: "Speak softly and
carry a big stick; you will go far".
The US big stick is
shrinking along with the falling exchange rate of the dollar,
reflected by massive fiscal deficits and a sharply deflated economy
while Washington's rhetoric is becoming louder. Obama declares he
plans to cut US annual fiscal deficit by half by the end of his first
term. His 2009 budget request totals $3.66 trillion, including $442
billion for financial rescue (12%), $524 billion for defense (17% -
not including expected supplemental war funding) and $196 billion for
interest on the national debt
Projected tax revenue for 2009 is $2.29 trillion,
yielding a deficit of $1.3 trillion. Add to the mandatory and
discretionary mix the $2.1 trillion-and-counting that has been
committed to rescue the banks and credit markets, the auto industry,
the housing market and financially strained consumers and businesses.
With a potential fall in tax revenue, the deficit could balloon to $4
How is the US going to expect China to appreciate
the yuan as Washington dictates while the US market is shrinking even
at current exchange rates? China's export sector is in free fall and
the Chinese central bank cannot possibly allow the yuan to appreciate
against the dollar under such circumstances. The dollar fell from
0.7388 euro on July 1, 2007 to 0.6276 euro on July 16, 2008 and rose
to 0.7904 euro on February 18, 2009 as the economies of the euro zone
fell into crisis. The dollar rose from 123.466 yen on July 10, 2007
to 99.2911 yen on March 30, 2008, fell to 88.7730 yen on January 24,
2009 and rose to 92.1410 yen on February 18, 2009. The rise in the
yen has caused much pain on the Japanese economy.
whose credibility was irrevocably tarnished internationally by his
inept handling of the 1997 Asian financial crisis, gave another
admonishing speech in Japan on February 26, 1999, warning Japan not
to depend on a weak yen to boost its economy, using worn-out slogans
such as: "the exchange rate cannot be a substitute for policy."
It was an amazing posture after Treasury secretary Robert
Rubin and his deputy, Summers, turned down a Japanese/EU joint
proposal for a three-currency stabilization regime at the 1999 G-7
meeting in Bonn in continuation of the effort to reform the
international financial architecture for the 21st century. (Rubin was
succeeded as Treasury secretary by Summers on July 1, 1999). Japan
proposed the creation of an Asian Monetary Fund at the G7-IMF
meetings in Hong Kong during September 20-25, 1997. Washington vetoed
that proposal, which called on the Asian Development Bank to support
Asian currencies that came under speculative attack with a special
$100 billion fund to be provided by Japan.
The United States
took a hands-off attitude at this early stage of the Asian Crisis.
The Washington Post noted on August 12, 1997, that the "United
States [was] conspicuous by its absence" during the organization
of the Thai bailout that summer. Japan's Ministry of Finance
officials noted that the Thai support meeting had created an "Asian
Consensus" and to some extent legitimized Japan's role as a
regional leader at the expense of the United States.
financial contagion hit South Korea in December from Thailand, where
the problem started on July 2, the 1997 Asian financial crisis showed
itself as not a local problem but global one. The New York Times
reported that the US decision to rescue Korea was reached by Rubin,
the then Treasury secretary, in the last minute before a Korean
default on its sovereign debt because of the surprise discovery that
Brazilian banks were holding a lot of Korean bonds
and total return swaps (TRS) contracts used to capture "carry
trade" profit from interest rate differential between pegged
A Korean default would quickly spread to South
America with more direct impact on the US economy than previously
realized. US multinational banks, the US Treasury and the Fed
colluded on the classification of non-performing loans
in Korea for regulatory purposes to safeguard the exposure of US
bank. But the local banks in
Korea enjoyed no such flexibility. (See The
Dangers of derivatives, Asia Times Online, May 23, 2002.)
Having been humbled by his own dismal record of first
diagnosing the Asian crisis as merely transient and local, and
subsequently mistaking IMF off-the-shelf "conditionalities"
as the only cure, and finally non-intervention of free financial
markets as an inviolable guiding principle for Asia, Summers a decade
later proposes for the current financial crisis the Paul Krugman
reflation cure. He declares vaguely: "What I think is crucial is
the recognition that the goal of price stability includes the
responsibility to avoid deflation."
In 1999, having
declared only a month earlier that while free markets are not
perfect, all other forms intervention alternatives are worse, Summers
went to Japan and again asked the Japanese to fix their economy with
interventionist monetary policies.
Yukihiko Ikeda, a senior
member of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party, reportedly told the
press: "Mr Summers says, do this, do that. But we will continue
with steps already in the works."
Japanese officials
were generally of the opinion that reflationary policies would
further weaken the yen, due to pressure on the value of the yen from
increased money supply. It might lead to further competitive currency
devaluations in other parts of Asia. Officials at the Bank of Japan,
the central bank, thought Summers was offering snake-oil cures in the
notion of fighting deflation with easing the money supply. Stephen
Roach of Morgan Stanley pointed out in an interview on CNBC On
February 23, 2009 that the bursting of the Japanese bubble in the
1990s affected only its capital sector, which constituted only 17% of
GDP, while the US bubble burst in 2007 is infecting the consumer
sector, which is 72% of GDP. The US is facing a crisis four times
bigger than what Japan faced in the 1990s.
Yet a decade after
the 1997 Asian financial crisis, in 2007, Summers declared that "the
G-7 process has lost its focus on exchange rate issues over the years
as its member governments stopped trying to manage their rates."
The G-7, which Summers describes as "an anachronism in the
current international context", needs to be radically
reinvented, starting with enlarging its composition. Any new approach
must be premised on "the desirability of a strong, integrated
global economy that benefits the citizens of all countries, not on
the idea that economists or politicians can calculate 'fair' exchange
rates". The right and potentially effective case for adjustments
in the current alignment of exchange rates relies "on their
unsustainability and the distortions they induce in macroeconomic
policies, not on ideas of fairness to workers".
warned that "multilateralism is better politics and economics
than unilateralism but it must not become an excuse for inertia".
Any new group should be "analytically informed but everyone
should know that key decisions will ultimately be taken by senior
officials in the national interest, not by international
organizations ... History tells us that poorly managed finance
foments instability and economic insecurity."
Yet the US
has repeatedly mismanaged its finances for decades by exploiting the
hegemonic character of the fiat dollar as a global reserve currency
for international trade. US unemployment rate is set by US monetary
policy, not by China. US economic and trade policies have transferred
wealth from US workers to Wall Street, not to China, only via China.
China needs an independent economic strategy
As for
China, following the US model of economic growth through unregulated
market fundamentalism will create the same income
disparity and social inequality that US political culture concedes as
natural and US ideology accepts as structural in a market economy.
But such blatant inequality would cause widespread sociopolitical
discontent and instability for a socialist political culture that
forms the ideological foundation of modern China.
Worse yet,
the efficiency that supporters of free-market fundamentalism claim to
be inherent in the market system has turned out to be a mirage of a
castle in the sky build by debt. It is a house of cards held together
by systemic fraud. Wealth in market fundamentalism had not been
created by honest work in recent decades, but by systemic
manipulation of credit to turn risks into safety and debt into
assets. From the central bank down to the average home owner, every
participant in the market economy was abusing the false effect of
unearned wealth as the miracle of finance capitalism. Many are now
realizing that the Federal Reserve has been the biggest Ponzi scheme
operator, not Bernie Madoff.
The fantasy mirage of debt
capitalism has been brought back to earth fundamentally by the
current unprecedented financial crisis to show that the US
neo-liberal model of miracle growth and debt prosperity via free
markets is unsustainable. As predatory dollar hegemony turns
international trade into a process of spreading dollar denominated
debt around the world, ending in sudden bankruptcy, prolonged
depression and widespread resultant poverty, rather than one that
achieves sustainable growth and solid prosperity, populist national
politics will force all governments to refocus on orderly domestic
development away from over-reliance of foreign trade, making the
issue of exchange rates less relevant.
China is not the cause
of the financial problems the US inflicted on itself and the
globalized economy. In many ways, China has been a double victim of
the misleading lure of the empty promise of easy prosperity promoted
by the false prophets of US market fundamentalism, by holding down
Chinese wages to compete in the export market and unwittingly
shipping real wealth created by its workers for fiat currency that
the US can print at will, money that cannot be used in China. China's
trade surplus is not the reward of 19th century mercantilism because
Chinese exports do not earn gold, only superpower fiat currency of no
intrinsic value.
On the other side, US consumers who want to
enjoy a good life without working are like Pinocchio, the wooden
puppet who yearns to be a real boy as promised by the good fairy. But
he is sidetracked by a boy named Romeo - nicknamed Candlewick because
he is so tall and skinny; just the type of boy Pinocchio wishes to
become - who lures him to go to the Land of Play, where everyone
plays and eats candy all day long and never does any work. Pinocchio
goes along with Candlewick and they have a wonderful time in the Land
of Play, until one morning Pinocchio awakes with donkey ears.
Belatedly, a mouse tells him that boys who do nothing but play and
never work always grow into donkeys after the initial fun.
Greenspan is Candlewick of the US economy and the Land of Play is the
house of cards that Greenspan built.
Brzezinski's grand strategy
Henry C K Liu
is chairman of a New York-based private investment group. His
website is at
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